$9 million contract for container scanner awarded to Neuctech Limited of China


The Asian Development Bank has agreed to award the $9 million contract to Neuctech Limited for the long-awaited X-Ray container scanner to assist the operation of the Ministry of Customs and Revenue.

“I can confirm that the said Company has won the second tender for the scanner,” said Acting Prime Minister, Tuala Iosefo Ponifasio in an interview with Radio Polynesia.

Tuala who is also Minister of Customs and Revenue said this follows consultation between the Ministry and the funding agency, ADB.

It has also been confirmed that Neutech Limited is a Chinese partially state-owned security inspection products company, headquartered in Beijing.

“The ADB who is funding the scanner said it is time to move forward with the project as it’s been on hold for a while. Last week a Cabinet paper was submitted on the scanner and it was approved by Cabinet.”

Adding there were specific instructions given to the company to ensure the scanner gets here in a timely manner.

In the meantime, the investigation into the tender process continues as there are issues that Cabinet is seeking “clarity” in the first tender.

In earlier interviews with Tuala, it was explained the Ministry allocated $2 million for the scanner and before proceeding with the tendering of the scanner, the Ministry retained a consultant to carry out a feasibility study to determine which machine is suitable for the main wharf at Matautu.

Tuala said there are totally different specifications outlined in what the consultant recommended in the feasibility study versus the actions taken by the Ministry of Customs and Revenue, hence the investigation.