Ale: “this is a discriminatory move by the former Government”


Member of Parliament for Faleata #4 Ale Vena Ale has raised concerns over the Electoral Laws which ban Members of Parliament from crossing over from one political party to another.

“This law is discriminatory,” said the MP during Parliament today.

Adding that even moving to be an Independent Member breaking away from a Political party is illegal under the law.

“This is absurd! If you want to be an Independent Member, why do you have to go back to the Constituency?

“If you are unhappy with your Political Party you should be afforded the choice of becoming an Independent Member, but the current law, which was recently approved under the previous Administration, prohibits that.

“I speak with the utmost respect, this law was approved at the ending of the previous term when Members of the HRPP left the party, hence this amendment and this is a discriminatory move by the former Government,” said Ale who is a member of the HRPP.

“This law should be repealed.

“Why would you want to be a member of a party if you see that it’s [going nowhere],” asked Ale who is a member of the Human Rights Protection Party.

“No can, like the Americans, would say,” concluded the MP.