Member of Parliament of Gagaifomauga No.2. Associate Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Vaele Pa’ia’aua Sekuini will be laid to rest today.
He was 57, years old.
The State funeral service was held at the Congregational Christian Church in Samoa at Vaitele uta.
According to the funeral service program, Vaele attended Safune Primary School, Maluafou College and furthered his education in New Zealand.
The Member of Parliament’s public service started with the Post Office in 1985; a year later he moved to Public Works. He also served with the Ministry of Education Sports and Culture.
In 1991 Vaele moved to the private sector. In 1997, a devout CCCS, Vaele became a deacon, a Sunday school teacher and eventually became a lay preacher.
In 2008 he was appointed as Chairman of the Postal Office for nine years. Two years later Vaele won the seat during the General Election for Gagaifomauga No.2 and unseated the former Associate Minister of Justice and Courts Administration So’oalo Mene.
Last year Vaele was appointed as Associate Minister for the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, under the Faatuatua ile Atua Samoa ua Tasi banner.
In December Speaker of the House, Li’o Papali’i Taeu Masipa’u appointed Vaele as Chairman of the Finance and Expenditure Parliamentary Committee. He is survived by his wife and children.