Bill legalising transfer of staff and assets from the SSC to SPA, approved


Parliament yesterday approved in final reading the proposed measure legalising the transition; transfer of staff and assets from the Samoa Shipping Corporation Limited to the Samoa Port Authority, along with any other transitional matters to give effect to the transfer of assets and staff under the Ports Authority Amendment Act 2022.

However, prior to the approval of the amendments, former Cabinet Member, Lautafi Selafi Purcell raised concerns the proposed changes may be costly given that at the end of the day the consumer will bear the cost. 

He asked the government to give assurance the said changes will not see an increase in fees at the domestic ports for travel between Upolu and Savaii. 

Minister Olo Fiti Vaai said the changes in the proposed bill were necessary and cited the importance of addressing issues when it arises. 

If there is a problem, then it should be addressed immediately rather than disregarding the matter without exploring options to resolve it. Olo motioned to put forth the bill in the final reading which was then approved. 

“At the commencement of this Act, any existing security, cleaner or any other prescribed employee or staff employed by the Corporation in relation to the ports continue in their appointments and is taken to be employed or contracted by the Authority. 

“All debts, liabilities and obligations in connection with or pertaining to the ports prior to the commencement of this Act will remain vested in the Corporation.”