Cabinet endorses Revenue Advisory Committee

The Revenue Advisory Committee held its very first meeting on Tuesday 15th of June, 2022 at the Customs Headquarter in Matautu.
The Revenue Advisory Committee as endorsed by Cabinet FK (22) 18 is Chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister/ Minister of Customs and Revenue, Honorable Tuala Tevaga Iosefo Ponifasio, assisted by his Associate Minister, Afioga Masinalupe Makesi Masinalupe Pisi.
The Committee consists of 20 members representing their respective constituencies and will play an important advisory role on national revenue collection and revenue generation activities undertaken by the Ministry of Customs and Revenue.
The overarching objective of Advisory Committees is to ensure a fair representation of all constituencies in parliament through their responsible Ministers.
The Committee is mandated to meet monthly and report to Cabinet on a quarterly basis.