Cabinet has revoked the 20 % reduction on electricity tariffs for non-domestic consumers


The Cabinet has revoked the 20 percent reduction to the cost of electricity for all non-domestic consumers, including businesses. This was confirmed in a statement released by the Electric Power Corporation General Manager Faumui Tauili’ili Iese Toimoana. 

Effective 1 November 2023 prepaid customers will be charged $1.02 per unit, while induction meter users will be charged $1.05 per unit. 

However, for the 100 largest consumers in the Country, EPC implemented a daily fixed energy charge of 0.67. These charges were adequate for all government consumers since 1 July 2023. 

The existing tariff for domestic consumers will remain unaffected, paying $.052 for the first 50 units and 0.63 sene afterward. For induction meter users, it remains at 0.63 sene per unit. 

“This Cabinet order approved for the tariff to be fixed and subject to review with respect to tariffs, rates, or charges for the provision of electricity services by the Electric Power Corporation.”