Confusion over vaccination/testing/screening sites measures


With only two days of the week, afforded to the public to stock up and shop, shops during the extended lockdown, stores are packed and hundreds of people queuing up at the banks and money transfers with lines reaching the main road.

The lines at the vaccination, testing, and screening sites are also long.

Members of the public however are confused whether the sites will only allow those with vehicles as some families don’t have cars and with public transportation prohibited, they are unclear as to how they will get to the vaccine sites.

Radio Polynesia radio stations, received a number of calls from the public asking whether health teams will go to the villages, for families that do not have vehicles. Further, the public claimed that calls to the hospital were either transferred or they were put on hold or didn’t get any answers.

Repeated calls to the Acting Director General, Tagaloa Dr Robert Thomsen were not answered. Chairman of the National Emergency Operations Committee, Agafili Shem Leo told Radio Polynesia they will be meeting with the Ministry of Health later on to address the concerns pertaining to the vaccinations sites.

After 1 pm, the NEOC Chairman Agafili extended all essential services and businesses permitted under the State of Emergency (SOE) Order#72 (6(1)) to open on Saturday 26th March 2022 from 8- 2 pm is now extended to 5pm.

The Wester Union office at Vaitele around 1pm.
PC: Radio Polynesia

In the meantime, Government COVID-19 ‘Drive Through’ Vaccinations roll-out and Screening/Testing will close at 2 pm.

There are eight locations, for the public to visit, the EPI blue building of the MoH opposite Seb and Rene Store at Moto’otua; Malaefatu Park opposite Tanoa – Sogi; SROS (Scientific Research Organization of Samoa Compound) Papauta; in-Front of Government Building – Matagialalua; Vaitele Market; Multi-purpose Gym – Tuanaimato and Apia Park Car Park.

The vaccination sites will offer booster shots – 18years and above for only those with minimum of 3 months since completing the last two doses of COVID-19 primary series vaccination.

The Pfizer vaccination for children 12-17 years and pediatric Pfizer vaccination for children 5-11years.