Deputy Leader welcomes second MP for Anoama’a No.2


Deputy Leader of the Human Rights Protection Party, Fonotoe Lauofo Pierre is thrilled with the increasing numbers of women in Parliament.

For Anoama’a No.2, Fonotoe said having To’omata Nora Leota on board as the second MP will benefit their constituency.

This week, the court ruled to swear in three women MP’s in line with the 10 percent constitutional women MP’s mandate.

This issue was debated in court last month women when the Speaker of the House Li’o Papali’I Ta’eu Masipa’u refused to swear in HRPP members, Ali’imalemanu Alofa Tuuau, Faagasealii Sapoa Feagai, after their seat was activated by the Electoral Commissioner, citing pending by-elections.

The Supreme Court ordered the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, to swear in three new women MPs “forthwith” and Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi party member To’omata Norah Leota are to be sworn in forthwith boosting the number of seats in the House to 54.

The court’s decision states that in this case, no further women won constituency seats at November 2021 by-election.

During a press conference with the media yesterday, Deputy Leader Fonotoe says having Toomata as a second MP from his Constituency of Anoama’a No.2 adding will benefit the constituency.

Also having more women in Parliament is something they have been fighting for a long time, affording the opportunity for women.

Adding that women have a different view on things hence the importance of having more women in Parliament.