Drive-thru vaccinations sites in Savaii for children between the ages of 5-11 started today and will continue tomorrow.
A Ministry of Health notice says the Pfizer vaccinations rollout is for two days, all over Savaii. For the Fa’asaleleaga area, the sites are at the Salelologa Don Bosco Hall; Sapapalii and Fusi Safotulafai and Faga Primary School.
At Safotu area the sites are located at Sato’alepai and Safune; other drive-thru sites are at Vaipu’a; Sala’ilua; Gataiavai, Visalia, and Papa Sataua.
The latest data available from the Ministry of Health on pediatric vaccination is that 27,408 children have already received their first dosage and their second shot is due in the coming weeks for Upolu.

Regarding other vaccinations, Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata’afa announced Tuesday afternoon the continuation of the vaccination rollout for everyone including booster doses once the bulk supplies arrive over the next week.
She said regular releases relating to these activities will be conveyed through Government communication channels.
“Our message from the outset of the COVID 19 national response, as has been in all countries is clear – vaccines are highly effective in protecting against severe disease and death.”