Eight months after the resignation of the Electoral Commissioner, Faimalomatumua Matthew Lemisio, the Election office continues to operate with Acting Commissioners on a rotational basis.
In May, the Public Service Commission advertised the Commissioner of the Electoral Office position five months after Faimalo left his position and opted for the Deputy President of the Lands and Titles Court and to date, Cabinet has yet to make an appointment.
Members of the public and staff of the office of the Electoral Commission are questioning the delay in the appointment of a Commissioner to oversee the operation and mandates of the Commission.
Efforts to get comments from the PSC Chair, Lauano Vaosa Epa on the status of the PSC hiring process, were unsuccessful.
Radio Polynesia also reached out to Minister of the Electoral Commission Lefau Faualo Harry Schuster for comments but there has been no response.
In December, Faimalo resigned from his post and was sworn in as Deputy President of the Lands and Titles Court, however, five months later resigned as Deputy President without presiding over the bench, as the positions were deemed invalid.