Front liners at wharf quarantined, after crew members on cargo vessel tested positive in AM Samoa


Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata’afa has confirmed 25 of Samoa’s front line workers on the wharf have been isolated when four crew members of a cargo vessel were tested positive for COVID-19 upon arriving in American Samoa.

Samoa was the last place they docked, on 1st March.

This was announced by the Prime Minister in an interview with Government owned newspaper Savali over the weekend.

She said the American Samoa Government relayed this information to Samoa, after the crew members arrived in the US territory and were tested positive.

The Prime Minister explained that crew members from cargo vessels normally do not interact with front linters, except for health workers.

However as part of precautionary measures, the Government has opted to isolate them for two weeks, to eliminate any chance of the community transmission to protect the people of Samoa.

As of yesterday American Samoa’s community transmitted COVID-19 cases has increased significantly to 229 with three reported hospitalizations related to COVID-19.

Those who are tested positive are served with a Home Isolation Directive for 14 days. Anyone with COVID-19 must stay away from other people, this may include others in their home.

About 80.6 % of the total population is fully vaccinated.