Gov signs agreement with Constituencies on development projects


The Samoa Government is moving forward with the District Development Projects.

On Friday, 18 out of 51 constituencies signed agreements with the Government over $200,000 allocated for each constituency.

This project is part of the FAST Government’s proposal prior to taking office.

Talamua reported, that Minister for Finance, Mulipola Anarosa Ale-Molio’o acknowledged that the signing with the 18 district’s Development Committees finally kicked off the project despite the criticisms and hurdles it confronted when it was first announced in the FAST Party’s election Manifesto.

“Preparation for the District Development Project went through many hurdles, especially in developing the proper strategy and conditions set by the Government to ensure all 51 districts are catered for,” said Mulipola.

She said the main goal of the project is to better and upgrade human and social development for everyone, “and what better area to start from than within our own districts in utilizing their own time, skills, strength and environment,” she told the village committees.

The First Phase involves the allocation of $200,000 tala to each of the 51 constituencies to set up district offices, district councils, and permanent staff.

The 18 districts that signed and received their funds on Friday are to report back to the Ministry of Women Community and Social Development (MWCSD) at the end of July.

Earlier this week, the Chairman of the FAST party, Laauli Leuatea Schmidt confirmed that $51 million will be included in the next budget for the upcoming financial year.