Former Prime Minister Tuilaepa Dr Sailele Malielegaoi has questioned a report that was discussed during the recent Commonwealth Parliamentary Meetings with local MPs regarding same-sex marriage.
In a letter to the Editor, Tuilaepa said the tabled report was presented by a FAST Member who attended a meeting sponsored by an international organization.
The suspended Lepa MP claims the report presented conclusions of support for this organization’s goal, which is, Same Sex Marriage. In his letter, Tuileapa said after questions from Human Rights Protection Party Members, the Speaker intervened and stopped discussions of the report pointing out none of the Cabinet Ministers was in attendance.
“Since Parliament Agendas are set by the Speaker in consultation with the Prime Minister, who is the leader of the House, a question arises as to whether this was a ploy to deliberately table the report of a non-Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Meeting, to get the feel of the members of Parliament, especially the HRPP Members, and if it is not supported, to quickly withdraw the report on the excuse that the PM and all Ministers are busy and not present to provide answers on an issue requiring a government policy.
“Same-Sex Marriage is often presented as a human rights issue on gender balance.
“The Human Rights Protection Party opposes Same-Sex Marriage for the simple reason, it is against our Christian beliefs.” According to Tuileapa, Prime Minister Fiamē Naomi Mata’afa has already announced that her Government will review our laws on this issue and they are still awaiting the outcome of that review.