The Ministry of Health held a farewell ceremony for the Director-General of Health, Leausa Dr Take Naseri last week.
Leausa has been at the helm of the Health Sector for close to 10 years and was Director-General for three consecutive terms which consisted of three contractual years for each term.
In a video clip of his farewell message posted on the Ministry of Health’s Facebook page, Leausa said his contract has come to an end and it is only fitting to address the Country and thank them for their support over the years.
Adding that after serving the health sector for many years, it is time to exit the Ministry of Health.
He thanked the people of Samoa for their prayers and support and especially God for guidance, through the many years.
Leausa said he took office in 2013 until 2022. He was at the helm of the health sector when Samoa faced two major health crisis, the measles epidemic in 2019 and now Covid-19.
He also saw the merging of the Ministry of Health and the National Hospital Services in 2019.
The outgoing Director General also thanked the Government for their faith in him in carrying out his duties over the last nine years.
He made specific mentions of members of the National Disaster Advisory Committee and the National Emergency Operations Committee and Government officials since the beginning the health crisis, specifically the measles; where he saw firsthand, how public servants came together to assist in the nationwide vaccination.
Adding that words cannot express how grateful he is for their support during the measles epidemic the united front is commendable.
The position of the Director-General was advertised by the Public Service Commission last month.