Lita Lui has been appointed as the new SCCI CEO


The Samoa Chamber of Commerce has appointed its new Chief Executive Officer who takes over previous CEO Lemauga Hobart Vaai, who resigned to move overseas in late January 2023.

Lita Lui has been appointed as the new SCCI CEO and was officially introduced to Chamber members at its March members meeting held on the 6 March 2023.

Lita is a former ACEO for the Aid Coordination and Debt Management division with the Ministry of Finance and has served the Government of Samoa for over 19 years.

With her high calibre and vast experience in the public service, Lita’s appointment will further look to foster the Public-Private Partnership. She has also been running her business over the last few years and is part of the private sector and currently undertaking her Master’s online on a part time basis.

SCCI acknowledges and thanks its outgoing CEO, Lemauga Hobart Vaai for his services to serve the Chamber for over 12 years and wish him well on his future endeavors.

The Chamber looks forward to having Lita at the forefront of Samoa’s National Private Sector Organization, to lead and advocate for its members.