MAF launches five year plan


The Agriculture and Fisheries Sector launched its five-year strategic plans for the financial years 2022/2023 – 2026/2027 yesterday. 

Minister Laauli Leuatea Schmidt said the Government of Samoa has recognized the importance of agriculture, as the backbone of an inclusive economy, and as a means of enhancing the economic resilience of its citizens.  

“The COVID-19 pandemic has increase awareness of the important role that the agriculture and fisheries sector plays in providing resilience to shocks, self-sufficiency, and insurance against food insecurity. “  

According to the Minister the agriculture and fisheries sector must be revitalized, to continue to sustainably provide food, nutrition, and raw materials for our commerce, manufacturing and tourism industries, and to increase our exports.
“To revitalize our sector we need to find ways, to develop smallholder farming and fisheries, to improve the livelihoods of those who work on the land and the sea, and in the rural communities and make this high priority for Samoa and its government.
“With increasing threats posed by climate change shocks, different types of pests and diseases, invasive species, and unsustainable farming practices, we are placing more emphasis on the need to enhance the resilience of the food, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture systems, which are important in supporting and sustaining the development of the sector, for our current and future generations.” 
He said to support its stakeholders achieve sustainability, the Government of Samoa through the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, lays the strategic direction for our Sector to take in the next five financial years.
“The Agriculture and Fisheries Sector Plan, guides the actions from all key stakeholders in the government, private sector, civil society, and our partners, to achieve the overall vision of a sustainable sector for food, nutritional and income security, prosperity, wealth, and resilience.
“We aim to achieve this national vision for the sector through the goal: to increase the sustainable contribution for the sector to food, nutrition and income security, and economic growth.”
The focus of our Agriculture and Fisheries Sector Plan are on five sector strategic outcomes:
1. Resilient and sustainable food, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture systems enhanced.
2. Food and nutritional security increased.
3. Rural transformation fostered.
4. Private Sector capacity and export contributions improved
5. Enabling environment for the sector development strengthened.