Minister of Finance officially opens Energy Week 2022 in Samoa


Minister of Finance, Mulipola Anarosa Ale Molio’o was the key note speaker at the opening Energy Week in the country for the first time. 

The Samoa Energy Sector conference theme is “Sustainable Energy Transition Enhanced”. 

Minister said that in today’s modern world, energy has become one of the most essential requirements for existence and for better living. 

“We cannot think of life and any kind of development without energy. 

“Therefore, “Sustainable energy for All” is a national cause. All of us have to join hands and work in unison to make Samoa an energy efficient economy. 

“The Government’s drive for sustainable energy development is clearly stated in the “Pathway for the Development of Samoa” (PDS) and the “Energy Sector Plan (SESP) 2017 -2022”. 

“In line with the Government’s commitment to a low-carbon and environmentally responsible future, the Government is making a concerted effort to increase renewable energy use and improve the operation and resilience of the energy infrastructure.”

The Minister further noted this will also support social and community development through income generation as well as promoting environment sustainability. 

“The purpose of this week’s event is to continue to raise awareness of the public on the value of different energy options and investments, including various renewable energy, their impacts, costs and benefits; energy conservation as well as promoting energy efficient products and disseminating available information for smart choices in the future. 

“That is why we have given the title “Sustainable Energy Transitions Enhanced” as the theme for this year’s energy week. 

“The main events of this week include the review of the Samoa Energy Sector Plan 2017-2022 (twenty seventeen to twenty twenty two). It is an opportunity to identify the gaps and challenges to assist with the development of the next Energy Sector Plan.” 

According to the Minister another event will be the “Sustainable Energy Investment Forum”, this is an opportunity to learn about the different projects that are currently implemented in Samoa and investment opportunities and technical assistance available for Samoa. 

“Each one of us has an important role to play in promoting various energy aspects. Obviously, the Government cannot do this alone. 

“All of us need to make a sensible effort to embrace energy efficient practices and products. Our development partners play a very critical role. 

“In that context, I wish to acknowledge the financial support from the Pacific Center for Renewable Energy& Efficiency (PCREEE) – SPC, UNDP TNC & FBUR Project, UNDP- SDG Financing, NDC Hub -SPREP, IMPRESS Project and the Montreal Protocol for Ozone Protection; which has made this week’s event possible.

“A special thanks to our colleagues from MNRE, SROS, MOPPC, SFESA and all Energy Stakeholders whom have supported this event in any form of assistance and co-hosting this event with the Ministry of Finance. 

“The continuous and active support from different government ministries, corporations, NGOs, the private sector, the communities and everyone who are here to support this event, is very much appreciated. 

“We hope for very fruitful discussions and dialogue throughout this week’s events, to further enhance Samoa’s Transition to Sustainable Energy. On behalf of the Government, I wish to declare the Energy Week 2022 officially open.”