Director-General Leausa Dr Take Naseri has the authority to approve passenger’s residences as a place of quarantine upon arriving n the Country.
This is outlined in the amended State of Emergency Orders signed by the Head of State his Highness Tuimalealiifano Va’aletoa Sualauuvi II.
The SOE states that any passenger, pilot and crew members travelling into Samoa must complete the Medical Clearance Health Documentation Check in Form and specifically declare whether or not they have been infected with the COVID19 virus, and must be quarantined on arrival, at the places and conditions to be determined by Cabinet and costs of accommodation, breakfast and lunch for Samoan citizen passengers only are to be borne by the Government but dinner will be their responsibility whilst in quarantine.
Also at the passenger’s home as approved by the Director-General of Health upon prescribed conditions determined by him or her for approval for self-isolation quarantine.
Other aspect of the SOE that havent changed are that all international travel to and from Samoa by plane or boat or ship are suspended except as provided in exceptional circumstances approved by Cabinet.
“It is prohibited for a person who holds more than one citizenship to use a foreign passport to travel out of Samoa, and returns to Samoa using his or her Samoan passport or foreign passport with a visa exemption for a short-term trip.
“Cargo flights to and from Samoa are permitted to bring in or take cargo goods every week and any other passenger as approved by Cabinet.”
Despite quarantine requirements under Order 2, passengers approved by Cabinet to travel to Samoa may be exempt from quarantine requirement is only applicable to a forensic pathologist and morgue technician.