MOH releases new information on COVID related deaths


The Ministry of Health has issued new information on the last three COVID-19 related deaths recorded in the last seven days.

The Office of the Press Secretary office issued the latest information today noting the revised Press Release on the latest report from the MOH.

“This revised Press Release includes additional information on the [latest Covid related] deaths. Included also is the full report of the latest seven-day rolling average prepared by the Ministry of Health.”

The last three recorded deaths are men in their 70s.

According to the MOH, a 73-year-old man with known co-morbidities completed two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine and has yet to receive a booster. He died on 17th April from severe COVID-19 pneumonia.

The second death was a 76-year-old with a diagnosed comorbidity, who was unvaccinated and he died on 19th April; and a 70-year-old male with known co-morbidities, who completed one dose of COVID-19 vaccination and died on 22nd April.

“There are other deaths among registered cases that are not primarily caused by COVID-19,” says the report.

To death toll for Samoa stands at 16.

The ages of those who died are between 53 to 91 and of the 16 Covid related deaths nine of them were unvaccinated, five had two doses only and two received their first dosage but none had booster shots.

According to the MOH, of the victims of Covid, seven had no known co-morbidities, eight had multiple comorbidities and one had only one commodity.  

Co-morbidity is a term used by doctors to describe the existence of more than one disease or condition within your body at the same time. Comorbidities are usually long-term, or chronic.