Member of Parliamentm Aliimalemanu Alofa Tuuau has been appointed to the Parliamentary Finance and Expenditure Committee.
The move was made in Parliament during its last session after the proposed budget of $964 million for the financial year 2022/2023, was tabled.
The next Parliament session is on 21 June and will discuss the budget which saw a close to $20 million decreases.
Aliimalemanu was the Chair of the Finance and Expenditure Committee in the last term and she replaces Sagaga No. 3 MP Sala Fata Pinati in the current Parliamentary term.
The appointment of Aliimalemanu was announced on the 3 June, by the Speaker of the House, Li’o Papalii Taeu Masipa’u.
Aliimalemanu’s appointment to the Committee comes after two members of the Parliamentary Finance and Expenditure Committee were suspended indefinitely, the leader of the Human Rights Protection Party leader, former Prime Minister Tuilaepa Dr. Sailele Malielegaoi and Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi, the party’s secretary.
Other Members on the Committee include Tapunuu Niko Lee Hang, Masinalupe Makesi Masinalupe, Toeolesulusulu Cedric Schuster, and Magele Sekati Fiaui.
Due to the passing of the former Chairman, late Vaele Paiaaua Iona Paiaaua, the Deputy Speaker, Auapaau Mulipola Aloitafua has been appointed as the new Chairman.