Member of Parliament, Maulolo Tavita Amosa for Sagaga 2 is appealing to the FAST Government to reduce the VAGST from 15 percent to 5 percent, citing the high cost of living.
During the deliberation of the national budget last for the upcoming financial year, Maulolo commended the government, as the budget reflected the Government’s approach to prioritizing the social issues with the development of villages and respective constituencies.
He also highlighted the important role of the public service in the development of Samoa and requested an increase in salary between 7%-10% to assist the public with the increasing cost of living
The HRPP member also called on the Government to reconsider having a national airline and quoted
Frank Zappa “You can’t be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline”, and therefore emphasized the importance of having a beer and an airline for our people. The Member noted that while Samoa has national beers however the Country needs a national carrier.
Maulolo pointed out that the borders will be opening soon, hence the need to have an airline to cater to the traveling public and tourists.
“Also this will ensure the control on cheaper airfares for the Samoan people.”
Adding that Churches annual conferences, for the EFKS and Methodists to be held in Samoa will bring hundreds of families to Samoa, as well as the backlog on the list of passengers waiting for an opening to come home and visit families and friends.