Police investigates claims, mother in custody of SVSG


The Ministry of Police and Prisons are investigating claims made by an online public forum “Aia Tatau Sa’oloto” regarding an alleged assault of a woman by her husband’s family in Alafua and the Police “failed” to respond to the call for assistance.

Acting Police Commissioner Auapa’au Logoitino Filipo, told Radio Polynesia last night the woman and her three children are now in the custody of the Samoa Victim Support Group. 

They have already been to the Police Station to file their complaints against the people who assaulted her in the presence of her children, said Auapa’au.

He said an internal investigation is already underway as to the Police Officers that denied the services to this mother and her children.

“Every complaint made against the Police will be considered by the Ministry and we will get to the bottom of this,” said the Acting Police Commissioner.

The public post contained photos of the woman with injuries on her face, Radio Polynesia made attempts to contact the woman, but there has been no response as of press time.

According to the post, the incident occurred on Saturday when the woman was assaulted by her in-laws in the presence of her three daughters between the ages of 2 and 4.

However, when the Police were contacted, according to the post they said to wait until the next day.

The Aia Tatau Sa’oloto also called on the Samoa Victim Support Group to lend assistance to this mother of three.

“This matter is a priority,” said the Acting Police Commissioner. “Our oath of service is to render assistance where required,” he said.

“If proven at the conclusion of the investigation the Officer(s) will be dealt with accordingly,” said Auapa’au. 

The article has been amended to reflect the new developments.