The University of the South Pacific (USP) Council chaired by the Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council, Dr. Hilda Heine held its 94th meeting between Thursday 10 and Friday 11 November 2022 in Apia, Samoa with the session streamed virtually.
The USP Council is the governing authority of the University comprising: Pro-Chancellor and Chair of the Council, Vice-Chancellor and President, Deputy Pro-Chancellor and Deputy Chair of the Council, USP member country Council representatives, Australian and New Zealand Government representatives, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Secretary General, USP Senate Representatives, Staff, and Student representatives and Co-opted members.
The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Pal Ahluwalia, stated that while operating out of Samoa, he made various observations that would be valuable in considering how USP could carry out its operations and services throughout the region including student support services.
Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) membership proposal, New Member Countries Procedure, and the appointments of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor &Vice-President of Research & Innovation and the Chief Operating Officer were approved by Council.
The Council considered and approved:
• Audited Financial Statements for the half year ended 30 June 2022
• Revised Financial Plan 2022 to 2024
• Institution of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) – to be offered in the French language in addition to the existing programme offered in English.
• a further two per cent (2%) salary adjustment across the board effective from 6 January 2023
• amendments on Staff Representation on Council
Reports from the Chair of Council and Management on key developments, achievements and challenges since their respective reports to the previous Council meeting were noted by Council.
The Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council acknowledged the services rendered to the USP Council by the outgoing USPSA President & Chair of Council, Mr Mani Mate and the Vice President & Deputy Chair of Council, Mr Lepani Naqarase.
The next USP Council meeting is scheduled to be tentatively held virtually in May 2023.