USP semester zero initiative will begin on Monday 9 January


The University of the South Pacific’s (USP) Semester Zero initiative will begin on Monday 9 January. 

The initiative is focused on all first-year students – local and regional students joining the University in 2023. 

Commencing January 9, future USP students will have the opportunity to experience what tertiary education is like for the next five weeks. 

This one-of-a-kind initiative provides a free online orientation for provisional and potential first-year students to learn more about USP and get a “feel” of university life.

Semester Zero is a timely initiative offered only by USP for her students and will be hosted on USP’s Moodle platform. 

It is creatively designed to simulate academic tools that students will utilise as part of their studies at USP. 

All incoming first year students across the region are encouraged to take advantage of this free initiative and partake from the safety and comfort of their homes. 

Director CFL, Dr Rajni Chand said as students await their external exam results, they will be able to at least get a glimpse of the kind of programmes on offer at USP and the kind of environment they will have to study in. 

“This type of initiative allows young people from receiving much-needed orientation, nurturing, and support. It allows them from learning about the University and its learning and teaching environment, as well as its various campuses, services, and facilities, which is why Semester Zero was created,” she said.

USP Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Pal Ahluwalia stated it was an honour to see Semester Zero continue after its inaugural launch and great feedback from students last year. It also enabled students to experience unique university life from their homes.

“We have created an online learning platform that will not only provide all of the necessary information about USP, but will also provide additional introductory literacy, numeracy, and digital skills through games, quizzes, notes, and study guides,” he added.

“We must think creatively in order to ensure that our people are connected but also to provide meaningful transitions to all of our prospective students, regardless of their location,” Professor Ahluwalia said. 

He also thanked the entire team for their hard work and dedication.

Semester Zero 2023 will officially commence on next Monday, the 9th of January. Students can access all information about accessing Semester Zero on . 

Meanwhile, USP’s admissions are now open. New applicants or those resuming studies can now apply for admission for Semester 1, 2023. For more information or academic counselling, visit a USP Campus near you or contact Student Administrative Services at [email protected]