USP students pursues remote studies whilst connected through Cisco

Students at The University of the South Pacific (USP) from across the region are now well connected to online learning platforms enabling them to pursue their academic aspirations.
This was made possible through USP’s collaboration with the biggest global networking company, Cisco, which successfully launched its video campaign in Melbourne, Australia, highlighting success stories of regional students studying from various remote locations.
This was confirmed in a statement issued.
USP Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Pal Ahluwalia said this collaboration was critical to connecting all regional campuses, staff, and students.
“Students and staff across our campuses rely on a secure, resilient network to access course materials, and learning experiences and to create and sustain personal connections. Cisco provides us with that network,” Professor Ahluwalia said.
Based in the United States, Cisco has 80 per cent of internet traffic globally passing through its solution portfolio.
Manager Enterprise Systems & Network Infrastructure, Edwin Sandys described the achievement as a culmination of years of work to ensure all USP students, including those already in the workforce have access to online learning and research materials, regardless of location, and without time constraints.
Sandys said the journey towards the launch had been a long and extensive one spanning back two and a half years of planning and groundwork with the focus being on assisting students with their academic journey.
USP as the premier institution for higher education in the South Pacific region is now able to unite students across 12 countries and 2000 islands with a single, secure network through Cisco.