Work of former CEO’s acknowledged


The Samoa Government has acknowledged the hard work of long-time Chief Executive Officers for three Government Agencies that the Cabinet has endorsed new CEO’s to lead in the next three years. 

The commendation on behalf of the government was announced by Acting Prime Minister Tuala Iosefo Ponifasio last Friday, for Māta’utia Rula Levi the former CEO of the Housing Corporation; Tilafono David Hunter for Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries as well as Leaupepe Pelesauma Māta’utia Ropati, who was Samoa’s Public Trustee for over 10 years. 

Tuala also cited recent Cabinet appointments of Sautiamaivasa Titimaea Tiotio as CEO of the Housing Corporation; Seuseu Dr Joseph Tauati to lead the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the latest appointment this past week of Tuitoga Christina Angela Te’o Faitele as Samoa Public Trustee for the next three (3) years. 

Tuitoga was the recommended applicant by the Selection Panel following the shortlisted interviews for displaying a concise vision and plan for the Public Trust Office. 

Tuitoga previously worked for the Public Trust Office for 15 years before pursuing her interests in the legal profession from 2018. 

At the Office of the Attorney General, she has climbed the corporate ladder to become a Principal State Solicitor of the Commercial and International Law Division since February, 2022. 

Tuitoga in her quest for this position articulated formidable plans to up-skill and train the staff, and portrayed passion, vigour, conviction and determination to progress and improve the status of the P.T.O, to realize its high-level outcomes, as well as its mandates, obligations, visions and mission for the betterment of all stakeholders and Samoans in general. 

Tuitoga is a University of the South Pacific alumnus. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree, Bachelor of Laws degree as well as a Professional Diploma in Legal Practice and a Professional Diploma in Legislative Drafting.