Youngest covid related death, a 36 year old man


A 36-year-old man has been recorded as the youngest Covid related death in the Country. This was confirmed in a statement issued by the Ministry of Health.

A total of 267 new community cases are confined and six cases are in managed isolation at the Moto’otua Hospital within the period commencing from 2:00 pm 04th May to 2:00 pm 06th May 2022.

According to the Ministry of Health two new COVID-19 related deaths within this reporting period, the 36-year-old mentioned earlier and a 94-year-old woman, taking the total number of COVID-19 related deaths to 22. Both were unvaccinated.

The Government expressed their condolences to the families and children of those who have passed away. 

“The public is again urged to get vaccinated as vaccination remains the best defence against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keeping our families and loved ones safe is everyone’s responsibility.  Please stay home and isolate yourself if you are feeling unwell and practice safe personal hygiene at all times.  All are required to wear face masks and keep to the 2-meter social distancing in public places.”