Shakedown at the Tanumalala prison over the weekend, did not uncover any illegal contraband Monday, January 30 by Joyetter Feagaimaalii The Ministry of Police and Prisons conducted a shakedown at the Tanumalala prison over the weekend. This was confirmed by... Read More.
Justice Nelson calls for more programs to identify at-risk children, to keep them out of prison Monday, July 4 by Joyetter FeagaimaaliiSupreme Court Justice,... Read More.
Close to 40 confirmed COVID cases at the Tanumalala prison Friday, April 8 by Joyetter FeagaimaaliiThe number of Prison Guards who tested positive for COVID continues to increase, but some have recovered and are back to work.
Police to reconstruct cell blocks into jail cells at the $18 million tala prison Wednesday, March 30 by Joyetter FeagaimaaliiThe failed attempt by inmates to escape from prison on Tuesday has called for the Ministry of Police and Prisons to revisit... Read More.
Police repsonds to Tanumalala prison over claims of a prison break Tuesday, March 29 by Joyetter FeagaimaaliiThe Ministry of Police Prisons officers is heading to Tanumalala, over calls of an alleged prison break. This was confirmed by Minister of... Read More.